Why Jungle Is A Strong Role in League of Legends?
League of Legends, the immensely popular multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) game developed by Riot Games, features five primary roles that players can assume: top lane, mid lane, bot lane (composed of an AD carry and support), and the jungle. Each of these roles contributes uniquely to a team’s success, but in recent years, the jungle role has emerged as one of the most influential and impactful positions in the game. In this article, we will explore the reasons why the jungle role has become a strong and vital component of League of Legends.
The Evolution of the Jungle Role
The jungle role has come a long way since the early days of League of Legends. In the game’s early seasons, the jungle was seen as a less influential role, with limited resources and limited impact on the outcome of a match. However, over the years, Riot Games has made significant changes to the jungle, introducing new mechanics, items, and champion reworks that have transformed the role into one of the game’s most dynamic and crucial positions.
One of the most significant changes to the jungle was the introduction of Scuttle Crabs, a neutral monster that spawns in the river. Killing the Scuttle Crab provides vision and gold to the team, creating skirmishes and fights for control that heavily involve the jungler. This change forced junglers to become more active on the map, contesting objectives and engaging in battles to secure Scuttle Crabs for their team.
Furthermore, the addition of Elemental Drakes and Rift Herald significantly increased the jungle’s importance. Elemental Drakes provide unique buffs to the team, and the Rift Herald can be summoned to push down turrets. These objectives require careful jungle control and map awareness, making the jungler a key player in securing them.
In addition to objective control, jungle champions received various reworks and item adjustments. These changes made jungle champions more versatile and capable of impacting the game in multiple ways. They are no longer just farmers; they are essential playmakers that can dictate the tempo of the game.
Jungle Role: Early Game Dominance
One of the primary reasons why the jungle role is so strong in League of Legends is its capacity for early game dominance. In the early stages of the game, before laners have had the opportunity to accrue significant items and levels, junglers have a unique chance to exert their influence on the game. They can impact all three lanes, helping their teammates secure kills, providing vision, and controlling crucial map objectives.
The jungle’s influence during the early game can significantly tilt the balance of power in a match. Junglers can invade the enemy jungle, steal resources, and put the opposing jungler at a severe disadvantage. This disruption can lead to a snowball effect, where one team’s jungler secures early advantages, which, in turn, lead to lane victories and objective control.
The strong early game presence of junglers is reinforced by the champions specifically designed for this role. Champions like Lee Sin, Elise, and Nidalee excel in early game skirmishes, ganking potential, and counter-jungling. They have the ability to make game-changing plays in the first 15 minutes, setting the tone for the rest of the match.
Versatility and Adaptability
The jungle role also shines due to the versatility and adaptability of the champions that fill it. Junglers are not locked into a single playstyle, and they can adapt to the needs of their team. Whether your team needs a tank, an assassin, or a support-style jungler, there’s a champion for the job.
For example, if your team lacks a frontline tank, you can pick champions like Sejuani or Zac to provide crowd control and beefiness. Alternatively, if your team needs more damage and burst, you can opt for champions like Kha’Zix or Rengar to assassinate enemy carries. This adaptability ensures that the jungle role can always complement the composition and strategy of the team.
The jungle also offers various build paths and itemization options, allowing junglers to adjust their build according to the in-game situation. This flexibility makes the role appealing to a wide range of players, as they can tailor their playstyle to match their preferences and the needs of their team.
Map Control and Objectives
Junglers play a pivotal role in controlling the map and securing crucial objectives. This includes vision control, counter-jungling, and securing key neutral monsters such as the Dragon and Baron Nashor. By maintaining vision and pressure on the map, junglers can provide their team with the information and control needed to make informed decisions and seize opportunities.
Warding is a fundamental aspect of map control, and the jungler often takes the lead in this regard. They are responsible for placing wards in strategic locations to monitor the movements of the enemy team and protect their allies. Vision control not only helps prevent ganks but also allows your team to make plays and engage in fights on favorable terms.
In addition to vision, junglers are heavily involved in securing neutral objectives. Dragons, Rift Herald, and Baron Nashor are essential in the mid to late game, providing powerful buffs and map control. Junglers must be adept at timing and securing these objectives, which can be game-changing when used strategically.
Impact on Teamfights
While the early game is important, the jungle role’s significance extends throughout the entire match, especially when it comes to teamfights. A well-played jungler can be the difference between victory and defeat in crucial late-game engagements.
Junglers often serve as initiators, engaging teamfights with crowd control or diving the enemy backline to disrupt their damage dealers. Tanks like Amumu and Sejuani excel at this, as their abilities can turn the tide of a battle by locking down multiple opponents. On the other hand, damage-oriented junglers can assassinate key enemy champions or provide sustained DPS to tip the balance in their team’s favor.
Moreover, many junglers have abilities that can zone or peel for their carries, keeping them safe in teamfights. For example, champions like Jarvan IV and Gragas can use their ultimates to create terrain or displace opponents, making it difficult for the enemy team to engage or reach their backline.
The jungler’s impact in teamfights is not limited to dealing damage or providing crowd control; it also involves shot-calling and decision-making. As a jungler, you have a unique perspective on the state of the game due to your early game influence and map control. This allows you to make informed calls, such as when to engage, disengage, or prioritize objectives, which can be the determining factor in close matches.
In the evolving landscape of League of Legends, the jungle role has transformed into one of the most powerful and impactful positions in the game. The changes made by Riot Games, the early game dominance, versatility, map control, and influence in teamfights all contribute to the jungle’s strength. As a jungler, you have the ability to shape the course of the game, from the opening minutes to the final teamfight.
The jungle is not just a role for the mechanically skilled or strategic players; it’s for those who seek a dynamic and versatile experience. If you aspire to impact your team’s success, make crucial decisions, and engage in intense skirmishes, the jungle is the role for you. With the right knowledge, practice, and adaptability, you can become a formidable force in League of Legends and lead your team